Where research gets real
Living labs: Combining research and practice where people live and work
Living labs are places, where research is conducted in real-world environments. For example, this can be a building, where people live and work and where – at the same time – researchers are conducting experiments to find the energy-optimal operation of the building that still ensures the occupants are comfortable.
Conducting research in this manner has several advantages: The work is conducted under real-world conditions. Therefore, social acceptance of the solutions automatically becomes a key feature. Furthermore, unforeseen challenges can be found and accounted for at an early stage.
At the NCCR Automation, we are very proud to have three unique living labs: Walenstadt for energy grids of the future, Sisslerfeld for sustainable industrial parks, and Empa’s Nest for everything relating to buildings.
Learn more about our truly unique living labs:
In Sisslerfeld in the north of Switzerland, four communities want to double their industrial park in size in a sustainable manner. This brings interesting challenges in the realms of mobility, energy distribution (electric, heating, cooling, …), urban planning, sustainability, etc.
Empa’s NEST is not only the coolest building of all times, it is also a playground for control engineers for all things related to control of energy hubs.
In Walenstadt, we want to build the electric grid of the future. Walenstadt is a small community in the east of Switzerland with plenty of hydropower, photovoltaic, and battery storage. They are working with us to achieve energy autonomy.
Preventing blackouts in the age of renewables - by Emma Laub